Find Robert Hunter Songs

Find songs with lyrics by Robert Hunter

This section brings together all the songs with lyrics by Robert Hunter. It includes all songs written for the Grateful Dead, the Jerry Garcia Band, Mystery Box, Phil Lesh & Friends etc, and most of the songs written for or recorded by other artists. It also includes Robert Hunter's solo repertoire and other lyrics from Box Of Rain. At my last count, it's got over 500 Hunter songs in total.

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Included in Box Of Rain?: 
This is a list of songs by other artists that Robert Hunter has covered in live performances.

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Additional information

I've added a list of Robert Hunter albums (solo albums, plus non-Dead albums by others where he contributed most of the lyrics).

I've also added a list of titles of some additional Robert Hunter lyrics registered at the Library of Congress, but which don't seem to have been published, performed or recorded.


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