Sundown On The Forest

A Kingfish album put together in 1998, though containing some material from earlier.
Song Title Author
Hurt Enough Barry Flast (no Weir)
Sundown On The Forest Flast/Johnson (Weir background vocals)
It Don't Take Much  Marcus Strange (no Weir)
Burning In My Heart Barry Flast (no Weir)
Ridin' High Bill Cutler (Garcia, Weir guitars)
Padlock Cufflinks Nelson/Flast (Weir vocals)
Goodbye So Long Marcus Strange (no Weir)
Every Little Light Kelly/Strange (no Weir)
Eyes Of The Night Barry Flast (no Weir)
It Takes A ... Train To Cry Bob Dylan (no Weir)
My Baby Left Me Arthur Crudup (no Weir)
Tennessee Blues Bobby Charles (no Weir)
Starship Ride Country Joe McDonald (Weir vocals?)
Jump For Joy Carter/Gilbert (no Weir)


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