Find the lyrics to songs that Bob Weir played with bands other than the Grateful Dead. It includes songs played with
Ratdog, Kingfish, Bobby & The Midnites etc. But for Dead & Company, Furthur, The Dead, The Other Ones see the separate sections.
Find song lyrics by band and/or by author
(see also more detailed search below)
Search for lyrics by titles of songsMore detailed searchNote: I have deliberately excluded from the listings of songs also played by the Dead a few that were played
only once and are much more associated with Bob Weir's solo bands (eg "Salt Lake City", "Fever").
Bob Weir Discography
I've now added a list of Bob Weir albums (other than those with the Grateful Dead).
Help needed
This section now includes most of the songs Bob Weir has played but there are still some omissions.
I have prepared a list which sets out: songs I plan to include in the future; songs I don't know the lyrics to; and songs that don't meet the criteria I use for inclusion here.
Any help or comments gratefully received.