Find Garcia Band Songs

This section lets you find the lyrics and other information about songs that Jerry played with bands other than the Grateful Dead. It includes both songs he sang and songs where he played guitar/banjo while others sang.

Somewhat arbitrarily, it starts with Garcia & Saunders in 1971, and so excludes Jerry's pre-Grateful Dead ventures in the early 1960s, and also his work with the New Riders Of The Purple Sage, both covered in separate sections on this site. It's also not entirely consistent in whether to include songs where Garcia sat in with others.

Find songs by band and/or by author (basic search)
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  include instrumentals
Note: "Garcia/Saunders" includes Legion Of Mary and Reconstruction as well as shows billed as Garcia and Saunders.

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Find and display songs by band (more detailed search)
Select which band the song was played with: 
  find songs played only with that band
  include instrumentals

Jerry Garcia Discography

I've now added a list of Jerry Garcia albums (other than those with the Grateful Dead).

This section now has the great bulk of the songs that Jerry played with bands other than the Dead (over 500 songs indexed). I've prepared a list of the songs not or not yet included - all help filling in the gaps gratefully received.


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